07 May, 2015

1 commit

  • Tweaks and changes performed during development of Selectize support for json-editor
    * Realign with server which now outputs just the schema
    * Fixes some icon alignment
    * Changes as null is not longer produced server side in JSON payload keys
    * Various UI layout tweaks
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@13718 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

06 May, 2015

1 commit

05 May, 2015

1 commit

03 May, 2015

1 commit

  • * Corrects items displayed in right column on Auth settings settings view
    * Recursively orders nested form items ready for json-editor input
    * Improve structure of SMSDelegate
    * Encapsulated form logic into two models (single and collection)
    * Added ability to revert form to original values
    * Added direct UI feedback from service save promise
    * Adds property checking for "propertyOrder"
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@13669 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

30 Apr, 2015

1 commit

29 Apr, 2015

1 commit

  • * Converts Auth Settings tab into 2 column design
    * Add custom styling for json-editor generated forms
    * Adds more/less expand & collapse on form item descriptions
    * Factored form building and santize functions into seperate class
    * Outputs desired elements into the Auth settings page
    * SMSDelegate now makes two calls, one for the schema and one for the values to populate
    * Ensure first tab is selected in Advanced settings
    * Renamed Cancel and Save button in Advanced settings
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@13636 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

28 Apr, 2015

1 commit

27 Apr, 2015

3 commits

24 Apr, 2015

4 commits

22 Apr, 2015

2 commits

21 Apr, 2015

1 commit

17 Apr, 2015

2 commits

15 Apr, 2015

1 commit

14 Apr, 2015

1 commit

13 Apr, 2015

2 commits

10 Apr, 2015

1 commit

07 Apr, 2015

4 commits

06 Apr, 2015

1 commit

03 Apr, 2015

1 commit

02 Apr, 2015

3 commits

31 Mar, 2015

1 commit

27 Mar, 2015

1 commit

  • * AME-6279/CR-6478: Convert ChoiceCallbacks to Bootstrap
    * AME-6078 Update UMA Nav Bar title
    * AME-6086 Update Change Password UI to Bootstrap
    * AME-6170 : Convert Share
    * AME-6277: Bootstrapifying DataStore1, LDAP and membership modules
    * AME-6260 Renames commons variable less reference
    * AME-6100 Migrate FORGOTTEN PASSWORD UI to using FR-Commons v2  / Bootstrap
    * AME-6260 Update to FR-Commons 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT
    * AME-6191 Convert Dashboard / My Applications
        * Also converts Application page under UMA (although it's not currently used)
    * AME-6082 : Convert History
    * AME-6081 / CR-6424 - Convert Edit Resources
    * AME-6193 Add Profile and Change Password back into dropdown menu
    * AME-6205 Change XUI FR-Commons dependency to v2 by default
        * openam-ui-policy hardcoded to 1.1.12-SNAPSHOT until it's converted
    * AME-6174 Convert UI Header, Menus and Page Framing
        * Remove custom responsive work (Hands this to Bootstrap)
        * Removes set size on logo
        * Removes set size on footer
        * Removes menu var margins
        * Removes policy content class
        * Use common classes for container and header
        * Correctly colour sub nav indicator arrow
        * Improves subtitle on List Resource page
        * Fixes user dropdown menu to display logout
        * Adds icons to top-level navigation elements
    * AME-6080 Convert UMA List Resources (to Bootstrap)
    * AME-6169 Tidy up main.js
        * Renames Backbone Relational dependency
        * Use double-quotes for all RequireJS dependencies
        * Tidy/Reorder main.js
        * Removed Author, no one should own the file
        * Rollback POM change, effects all of XUI
        * Adds comments to removed UMA LESS
        * Removes LESS dependency. Not required
        * Corrects Copyright on styles.less
    * AME-6076 / CR-6395 - Correct project so that it builds with FR-Commons v2
    * AME-6075 : Change Maven POM to use the latest version of ForgeRock Commons
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@13189 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

26 Mar, 2015

1 commit

25 Mar, 2015

1 commit

11 Mar, 2015

3 commits