12 Oct, 2011

1 commit

  • This initial fix includes the annotation processor to transform subcommand annotations to refentry content.
    With this change however the generation is still manual. man-ssoadm-1.middle is generated using the Main class, then cat man-ssoadm-1.header man-ssoadm-1.middle man-ssoadm-1.footer > man-ssoadm-1.xml.
    TODO: Mavenize the generation process so that content generation happens at in preparation for the doc build.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1282 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

10 Oct, 2011

3 commits

07 Oct, 2011

4 commits

03 Oct, 2011

3 commits

30 Sep, 2011

2 commits

29 Sep, 2011

3 commits

28 Sep, 2011

1 commit

23 Sep, 2011

1 commit

22 Sep, 2011

2 commits

21 Sep, 2011

3 commits

20 Sep, 2011

3 commits

19 Sep, 2011

1 commit

16 Sep, 2011

4 commits

15 Sep, 2011

5 commits

14 Sep, 2011

4 commits