14 Jun, 2013

7 commits

13 Jun, 2013

3 commits

12 Jun, 2013

10 commits

11 Jun, 2013

6 commits

10 Jun, 2013

4 commits

09 Jun, 2013

2 commits

07 Jun, 2013

6 commits

06 Jun, 2013

2 commits

  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@5489 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • Modified the handling of passive authentication requests, this way it is
    possible to interrupt the passive AuthnRequest handling and still send back
    an appropriate SAML response.
    An example use-case would be to redirect the request away to a remember me
    authentication module, so you get authenticated with a cookie during just a
    simple passive request instead of returning a NoPassive response.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@5488 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d