10 Aug, 2015

1 commit

  • Includes a small refactor of ResourcePage to simplify how the model
    is loaded, which makes it cleaner to augment it with the entire set
    of labels.
    Ensure only user labels (not system or starred) are show to the user
    as the other label types cannot be edited anyway.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@15043 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

07 Aug, 2015

4 commits

06 Aug, 2015

1 commit

05 Aug, 2015

4 commits

04 Aug, 2015

4 commits

31 Jul, 2015

1 commit

30 Jul, 2015

1 commit

29 Jul, 2015

3 commits

28 Jul, 2015

3 commits

27 Jul, 2015

3 commits

24 Jul, 2015

3 commits

22 Jul, 2015

4 commits

21 Jul, 2015

2 commits

20 Jul, 2015

2 commits

17 Jul, 2015

4 commits