29 Jul, 2014

1 commit

23 Jul, 2014

1 commit

22 Jul, 2014

1 commit

21 Jul, 2014

1 commit

16 Jul, 2014

1 commit

10 Jul, 2014

1 commit

08 Jul, 2014

1 commit

07 Jul, 2014

1 commit

27 Jun, 2014

1 commit

  • AME-3826 - Configure the Operators to use the data model provided by the conditiontypes endpoint. 
    		  It became clear after looking at AME-3826 that some operators can only take 1 child. Because of this I created AME-3826 and AME-3828.
    AME-3826 - Restrict ability to add more than 1 child to objects with the property “condition” (as opposed to “conditions” which can take many children)
    AME-3828 - Add logic which disables and enables the select elements options depending upon if the option is allowed with the current number of children.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@9471 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

20 Jun, 2014

1 commit

23 May, 2014

1 commit