05 Dec, 2011

2 commits

02 Dec, 2011

1 commit

30 Nov, 2011

2 commits

29 Nov, 2011

3 commits

  • Project has been updated for Visual Studio 2010, and a new cert has been
    generated for SNA.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1497 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • Minor issues around GeoLocation check
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1495 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • Since OPENDJ-304 (and by default with OpenLDAP) the response code is
    constraint violation instead of unwilling to perform. In order to support
    both cases, now we check for response controls for both response codes.
    If the control is not present we set the insufficient password quality page
    for both response codes as well.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1494 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

28 Nov, 2011

2 commits

  • Renaming constraint-result-behavior to constraint-handler and let the upgrade
    know about the change. The result-behavior attribute has been reverted, so
    old versions can coexist, but changing the new attribute on console will not
    change the old attribute.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1488 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • IdRepo log is spammed with too detailed log messages
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1485 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

27 Nov, 2011

1 commit

  • Exception while initializing upgrade still renders the upgrade screen instead of showing an error message
    A new screen has been introduced, which is only shown if the upgrade init failed.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1483 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

26 Nov, 2011

4 commits

  • Service revision number should be an integer, this fixes a potential NumberFormatException in ServiceSchemaManagerImpl
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1482 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • Updating the filelist files, removed the nonexistent files, and added some missing resources for console only setup.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1481 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • Adding source bundles to the downloads page
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1480 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • Fixing the recent NPE in last login check
    Updating console help texts
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1479 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

25 Nov, 2011

5 commits

24 Nov, 2011

3 commits

22 Nov, 2011

2 commits

18 Nov, 2011

1 commit

17 Nov, 2011

3 commits

16 Nov, 2011

1 commit

15 Nov, 2011

3 commits

10 Nov, 2011

2 commits

09 Nov, 2011

1 commit

  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@1410 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

08 Nov, 2011

1 commit

07 Nov, 2011

2 commits

05 Nov, 2011

1 commit