20 Nov, 2013

3 commits

  • For SAML logins the LoginServlet should detect the authentication session
    from the query string rather than using any existing cookies, that way we
    can make sure that the SAML authentication flow will stay on the server
    that stores the necessary request data to finish the SAML.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@7351 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • Modified the error handling for the AUTH_RESET scenario, instead of trying
    to redisplay the login page, now we just show an error message.
    Modified the logic in LoginState so if we receive a pcookie from a realm
    where pcookie is disabled, now the login just continues like there was
    no cookie presented at all.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@7350 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d
  • Did a small cleanup in getOrgParam, but mainly I've removed a very special
    if that only decoded the realm for the new_org page if the encoded
    parameter was set to true.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@7349 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

18 Nov, 2013

1 commit

13 Nov, 2013

2 commits

06 Nov, 2013

1 commit

05 Nov, 2013

1 commit

01 Nov, 2013

1 commit

31 Oct, 2013

1 commit

22 Oct, 2013

1 commit

18 Oct, 2013

1 commit

16 Oct, 2013

2 commits

15 Oct, 2013

1 commit

13 Oct, 2013

1 commit

11 Oct, 2013

1 commit

06 Oct, 2013

1 commit

04 Oct, 2013

3 commits

02 Oct, 2013

7 commits

01 Oct, 2013

2 commits

30 Sep, 2013

3 commits

29 Sep, 2013

1 commit

  • In case of logout loginState isn't available, hence we should check for
    null in AuthXMLHandler.
    Contributed by Jaak Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/trunk@6682 0f4defcf-c51a-4c67-9f44-6fb5eba73c5d

27 Sep, 2013

1 commit

26 Sep, 2013

1 commit

25 Sep, 2013

2 commits

17 Sep, 2013

1 commit

16 Sep, 2013

1 commit