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# Portions copyright 2012-2013 ForgeRock Inc

This document explains how to setup an OAuth 2.0 authorization server and how to setup the demo client to interact with
that authorization server.

Build the OAuth 2.0 module
1. Change directory into the openam-oauth2 folder.
2. Run the command "mvn clean install"

This will build the OAuth 2 demo war in openam-oauth2/openam-oauth2-demo/target folder.

Install an OAuth 2 authorization server.
1. Login to an OpenAM instance.
2. Click Configure OAuth2.
3. Set realm to "/".
4. Fill in the desired token lifetimes.
5. Check issue refresh tokens.
6. Navigate to Access Control->top level realm->Agents->OAuth 2.0 Client and create an OAuth 2.0 client.
Install the demo client.
1. Put the war file located in openam-oauth2/openam-oauth2-demo/target in tomcats webapps directory.
2. Edit the WEB-INF/lib/classes/ file.
a. Change all the URLs to your domain name and tomcat port for your authorization server.
b. Set org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.client_id and org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.client_secret to the OAuth 2.0
Client created when setting up the authorization server.
c. Set org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.endpoint.redirection=
3. Open :/ in your web browser.