Name Last Update
legal Loading commit data...
license Loading commit data...
openam-authentication Loading commit data...
openam-clientsdk Loading commit data...
openam-core Loading commit data...
openam-coretoken Loading commit data...
openam-distribution Loading commit data...
openam-documentation Loading commit data...
openam-entitlements Loading commit data...
openam-federation Loading commit data...
openam-forgerock-rest/src/main/java/org/forgerock/openam/forgerockrest Loading commit data...
openam-oauth Loading commit data...
openam-oauth2 Loading commit data...
openam-rest Loading commit data...
openam-schema Loading commit data...
openam-server-engine Loading commit data...
openam-server Loading commit data...
openam-session-ha Loading commit data...
openam-shared Loading commit data...
openam-test Loading commit data...
openam-tools Loading commit data...
src/main Loading commit data...
README Loading commit data...
build_date.js.template Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
openam_link.js.template Loading commit data...
pom.xml Loading commit data...
version.template Loading commit data...
workspace-how-to Loading commit data...


README file for OpenAM

Copyright (c) 2012 ForgeRock AS Inc. All Rights Reserved

The contents of this file are subject to the terms
of the Common Development and Distribution License
(the License). You may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.

You can obtain a copy of the License at
See the License for the specific language governing
permission and limitations under the License.

When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
Header Notice in each file and include the License file
at openam/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.

If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
your own identifying information:
"Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"

Portions Copyrighted 2010-2012 ForgeRock US

%% Contents:

%% 1. Maven build requirements and structure
%% 1.1 Build requirements
%% 2.2 Maven structure

%% 2. Library dependencies
%% 2.1 Maven resolved dependencies
%% 2.2 Obtaining fmsae.dll, fmsae64.dll and agent-csdk

%% 3. Building the workspace

%% 1. Maven build requirements and structure

Maven provides a simpler structure, making the development and build process
easier to use and faster to run. New features are easier to isolate for
reviews and migration. It is also a recommended method of implementing best
business practices.

%% 1.1 Build requirements

The OpenAM workspace is based on a standard maven build and uses maven as the
build framework.

The sources in this workspace should be compiled using JDK 6.0. In order to allow
this, you must ensure that JDK 6.0 is present in your system path and the
JAVA_HOME environment variable is setup correctly pointing to its location. The
target JDK is set to 1.6.

Please see this URL for the latest instructions on how to compile OpenAM:

%% 1.2 Maven structure

The maven OpenAM artifactory includes three areas:

- community : extensions of the OpenAM product created within the community
- openam : the core and supplementary components of OpenAM supported by ForgeRock
- opensso : legacy components

Maven builds the files in the following order:

- Openam : contains basic build files, as well as license and legal information
- Openam Shared : contains shared information and utilities
- Openam Entitlements : contains Entitlement Services to fine-tune access management
- Openam Core Token : contains the components for session tokens
- Openam Rest : contains all components of the REST interface
- Openam Core : contains the core components of OpenAM
- Openam Server HA : contains the components for configuring high availability sessions
- Openam Session HA Locale Constants : contains
- Openam Server HA Core : contains the components for interacting with tomcat
- Openam Federation : contains the components of Federation
- Openam Federation Library : contains the Federation library
- Openam FM : contains
- Openam OAuth : contains the components for integrating OAuth
- Openam Tools : contains OpenAM tools
- Openam Install Tools : contains files for installing the OpenAM tools
- Openam Server : contains the components for configuring OpenAM
- Openam Server Engine : contains
- Openam Client SDK : contains the client SDK
- Openam Documentation : contains the OpenAM documentation
- Openam Site Helper : contains the OpenAM Online Help
- Openam Site Documentation : contains the HTML versions of OpenAM documentation
- Openam Distribution Packaging : contains the tools for working with OpenAM
- Openam Distribution ADM Setup : contains
- Openam Distribution Library : contains the third-party libraries
- Openam Distribution Fedlet UnConfigured : contains the unconfigured informaiton for the Fedlet
- Openam Distribution ssoAdminTools : contains just the components required for ssoAdminTools
- Openam Distribution ssoConfiguratorTools : contains just the components required for ssoConfiguratorTools
- Openam Distribution Kit : contains all of the components of OpenAm, including the core and tools

%% 2. Library dependencies

The standard version of maven automatically resolves most third-party libraries.
Only the Secure Attribute Exchange API requires additional work to acquire the
necessary files for the build process.

%% 2.1 Maven resolved dependencies

Third-party libraries are hosted on the ForgeRock depot repository at, including the following library files:

- Java EE 5 SDK: j2ee.jar, mail.jar
- SUN shared library jars: jaxb-api.jar, jaxb-impl.jar,
jaxb-libs.jar, jaxb-xjc.jar, jaxrpc-impl.jar, jaxrpc-spi.jar,
jaxrpc-api.jar, saaj-api.jar, saaj-impl.jar,
relaxngDatatype.jar, xmlsec.jar, xalan.jar, xsdlib.jar,
FastInfoset.jar, jsr173_api.jar, webservices-api.jar,
webservices-rt.jar, webservices-tools.jar, webservices-extra.jar,
webservices-extra-api.jar, OpenDJ.jar, je.jar,
xercesImpl.jar, jss4.jar
- TestNG version 5.9 : testng-5.9-jdk15.jar
- Apache Commons Codec: commons-codec-1.4.jar
- OpenDS 2.3.x distribution ZIP file

%% 2.2 Obtaining fmsae.dll, fmsae64.dll and agent-cdsk

- Secure Attribute Exchange API: fmsae.dll and fmsae64.dll

Download from
Save the zip file locally, unzip it, then get fmsae.dll and fmsae64.dll from
libraries/native/dll and copy it into the opensso/products/extlib directory
in your workspace. Copy the agent-csdk subdirectory, and contents from
libraries/native to opensso/products/extlib.

%% 3. Building the workspace

The maven workspace build system has only one build target, which is
available in the openam-server workspace.

The first maven build will likely take longer than all subsequent builds to
accomodate the lengthy dependency artifact chain. Following a successful build,
a .war file will reside in the openam-server/target directory.