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Verisign Identity Protection Authentication Module

1) Download the Verisign Identity Protection Developer Test Drive

2) Unpack the zip file.

3) Use the vip_testdrive.wsdl, viptestdrive.xsd, and vip_testdrive_common to create webservice client

4) This code packages the generated JAX-WS client into a jar file called vipSoapInterfaceService.jar
It is packaged as:*

5) VIPWebServiceClient is a client file that uses the generated code above and makes necessary endpoint changes. See VIP Developer API and for more information

5) Add VIPLoginModule.xml to /auth/default

6) Compile Files. Build.xml hasn't been uploaded yet. On To-Do list

7) Create jar file containing VIPLoginModule.class, VIPPrincipal.class, and VIPWebServiceClient.class

8) Add vipSoapInterface.jar and the jar file created above to /WEB-INF/lib

9) Import the testdrive.p12 cert into the JKS keystore. Easiest mechanism is to use PKCS12Import

10) Add com.sun.VIPLoginModule to the list of pluggable authentication module classes
Configuration->Authentication->Core page

11) Verify with http://openssohost:port/opensso/UI/Login?module=VIPLoginModule

12) Be sure to read the VIP Developer Test Drive documentation on how to generate test tokens

Structure of authnvip

|---> source
| |
| |--->/com
| |
| |--->/sun !all source files
|--->build.xml /build.xml to create the jar file.