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$Id: README.txt,v 1.4 2009/09/08 08:31:53 hubertlvg Exp $



This OpenSSO extension implements an OpenID provider which supports both the
OpenID Authentication 1.1 and OpenID Authentication 2.0 protocols, complete with
full support for OpenID Simple Registration Extension 1.0 and Attribute Exchange
Extension 1.0.

It uses OpenID4Java for OpenID protocols and leverages OpenSSO for Authentication
and retrieving a user's profile attributes. This extension also provides an LDAP
implementation to persist a user's selected attributes per Relying Party to an
LDAP v3 compliant backend, this backend could be the same as the OpenSSO user
data store. A user can have a unique set of values of the attributes per Relying
party. By implementing a required interface, developers can plug in their own
implementation to persist the user's profile to their choice of a backend, like
a database.


* Standalone web application as a deployable WAR file
* OpenID message object model; supports future consumer implementation
* Trust management user interface
* Simple Registration Extension user interface
* Attribute Exchange Extension user interface
* LDAP implementation for persisting user's attribute per Relying Party
* On-the-fly l10n and i18n (English, French and German included)
* Integration with OpenSSO through servlet implementation

This distribution includes the following the directories and files
-README: This file
-build.xml ant build file instance specific properties

--java java source files
--conf properties files for OpenSSO and Provider
--link sample html to provide OpenID links

--web xhtml and images and style sheets
--WEB-INF deployment descriptors, faces-config
--classes i18n files

--lib list-of-required-external-jars.txt
[This file lists all the required jar files]


Installing dependencies
1. Download and extract the Facelets [1.1.14 ] binary archive from
Copy the following files from the extracted archive root and lib/ directory to
the provider/lib directory:
* jsf-facelets.jar
* el-api-1.0.jar
* el-impl-1.0.jar
* jsf-api-1.2_04-p02.jar
* myfaces-all.jar

2. Build the OpenSSO client SDK inside of the OpenSSO amserver product by
invoking the "clientsdk" target in the associated Ant project. Once built,
copy the amclientsdk.jar file from the built/dist directory to the
provider/lib directory.

3. Download the Java Enterprise Edition 5 SDK from
Replace the value of the j2ee.home in file
with your javaee home directory

4. Download and build openid4java from
For this build we have used 0.9.5-SNAPSHOT.566.
copy build/openid4java.jar to provider/lib
copy the following jars from /lib/ to provider/lib
* commons-codec-1.3.jar
* commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
* commons-logging-1.03.jar
* nekohtml-1.9.7.jar
* xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar

5. Download jdom version 1.1 binary zipped archive from
extract the archive and copy jdom.jar from the /build directory
to provider/lib


The supplied ant build file will compile and build the war file with its default
target. The built war "openid.war" will be located in the build directory.
Before running ant replace the value of the j2ee.home in file
with your javaee home directory.

For easier customizations, The built war does not include any of the property files
located in the src/conf folder.


The WAR file does NOT contain the required configuration properties files for both the
provider itself and the OpenSSO client SDK library. Prior to deployment, change
these files located in the src-conf/ directory to suit your configuration:

1. Edit file

2. If you enable attribute exchange persistence, edit the file to
provide host,port,binding credentials, attribute to persist a user's profile,
search base dn etc.

The property ldap.people.return.attribute defines the attribute that will be used to
store and retrieve the users profile. This attribute should be of the type "DirectoryString"
and "Single valued". It does not need to be indexed. You can:
(a) choose an existing unused attribute from an existing Object Class of a user's entry,
(b) add it to an Object Class which is already a part of the user's entry
(c) add it to a new object class and mofify each users entry to include this
object class

This attribute will contain an XML string representing the attributes that the user
selects to persist per relying party

For example if you are creating a new attribute, you can add the following entry
to the user99.ldif.
attributeTypes: ( openid-attributes-oid NAME 'openid-attributes' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'user defined')

You can then add it to a class like:
objectClasses: ( openiduser-oid NAME 'openiduser' SUP inetorgperson STRUCTURAL MAY openid-attributes X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )

3. Copy the file from the OpenSSO client SDK resources
directory (products/amserver/clientsdk/resources) to the
provider/resources directory (renaming it Configure:

* Location of OpenSSO server (protocol, host, port)
* Cookie name for OpenSSO session identifiers
* Security credentials to access OpenSSO services
* Encryption key to encrypt data to/from OpenSSO services
* Naming URL in OpenSSO server

4. Create an agent identity in OpenSSO administration console with security
credentials that match those set in file.

5. Create a directory and ensure that the application server user has read access to it
Copy all the modified properties files from src/conf to this directory.
Add this directory to the application server's classpath.

Deploying the application

Deploy the openid.war file on your application server. The usual context
path is /openid, though others should work fine (e.g. /provider).

Note: If your application server already has JavaServer Faces installed,
then you must ensure you remove all JSF-related files from your WAR file,
causing only the following JAR files to remain in the lib directory:

* amclientsdk.jar
* commons-codec-1.3.jar
* jsf-facelets.jar

Linking to your identity provider

The main entry point to your identity provider is provided through the
/service servlet. It dispatches to internal actions and Facelets as required.

So, if you deployed the provider application in /openid on,
then the URL for the OpenID provider service would be:


This is what will be set in the tag in OpenID profile pages. or tags in XRD page.
For example:



A sample index.html is provided in the src/link directory which provides HTML links for both
OpenID 1.1 and 2.0 support.


* The user interface of this application is highly templated, facilitating easy
* Instead of using LDAP for attributes persistence, you can use a relational database or
file system to persist user's attributes. To do so, you need to provide a class that
implements the com.sun.identity.openid.persistence.AttributePersistor interface.
Also the property in must
then be changed to the full name of the custom class.
