24 Sep, 2009

3 commits

23 Sep, 2009

1 commit

  • - simplified OpCreateImpl
       - added CommandSwitches map class which provides switches for Update, Create and Passwd Commands.
       - TODO decouple Create from getting the MutexAcquirescript from Update.
    - added a few new attributes used by create in SolarisConfiguration
    - OpUpdateImpl: TODO refactor it according to OpCreateImpl to a new form, see FIXME note.
    - CommandUtil: too little to be standalone, thing of some merge.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5299 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

22 Sep, 2009

2 commits

  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5273 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • [A] changes to operation implementations:
    A.1 OpAuthenticateImpl -- rewritten bottom-up based on adapter impl.
    A.2 OpUpdateImpl -- changes mainly caused by erasure of legacy attribute name constants.
    A.3 OpCreateImpl -- the same changes as A.1
    [B] cleanup of files that are connected to legacy attribute name constants (in old 'constants' package)
    B.1 PatternBuilder deleted
    B.2 added package 'attr' which contains the new simplified attribute name constants.
    [C] Other improvements
    - SolarisConnection contains public reference to the configuration, so we don't need to pass them in methods separately. Triggered changes to: BlockAccountIterator, and many other classes.
    - modified generation of schema based on new attribute names form new 'attrs' package.
    - SolarisConnection now enables TELNET connection.
    - SolarisConnection provides the current rootShellPrompt by its getRootShellPrompt() method. (It is always set to the correct one, and the configuration itself is not modified).
    [D] TODOs:
    >> Control the generation of the Schema (if it is the same as before transition to 'attr' package attribute names)
    >> Resolve problem of NativeAttribute#getCmdSwitch() -- it should be a private property of the Update/CreateOperation itself, and should not leak into the constants.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5271 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

17 Sep, 2009

2 commits

  • . Search op unit tests are enabled.
    *M* made SolarisEntries's methods static (no state involved)
    *M* UniversalNode -- filter that accepts all entries
    * OpSearchImpl now is completely initialized through constructor (evaluate() method has no args). Reason: it has to preserve the state throughout search; disputable.
    *M* Account/GroupAttribute doesn't need a fromNative() method. It is never used. (erasing unit tests for this method too).
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5236 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5234 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

16 Sep, 2009

4 commits

15 Sep, 2009

1 commit

  • - erasing SearchPerformer (legacy low performance class)
    - temporarily OpSearchImpl is commented, as impl. TODO
    - rewritten Node + FilterTranslator structure; every Node sits in node package now (mv).
       -> new method on Node-s: boolean evaluate(SolarisEntry entry) -- TODO impl this.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5204 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

14 Sep, 2009

1 commit

  • - added BlockAccountIterator.
      ~ TODO: for now it has hardcoded constant of size 30 for block size, this may be a candidate for configuration property -- check the adapter code)
    - AccountUtil#getAllAccounts handles the iteration over all accounts at once. 
    - Group attributes search TODO
    Infrastructural changes:
    - LastCmd, LoginsCmd -- both are used in blocked retrieval of accounts (BlockAccountIterator). They should reveal their capabilities to parse the output (block iteration involves running a special script, that can't be incorporated into a humbe util class like Last/LoginsCmd).
    - SudoUtil is now public, because it should be accessed by search implementation classes. Otherwise we'd need to pass down AbstractOp to low level classes, cascadingly.
    - SolarisEntries#getAllAccounts() need to pass the configuration down, because of running sudoStart and sudoStop commands (SudoUtil)
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5195 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

11 Sep, 2009

1 commit

10 Sep, 2009

1 commit

09 Sep, 2009

2 commits

07 Sep, 2009

2 commits

01 Sep, 2009

1 commit

31 Aug, 2009

1 commit

27 Aug, 2009

2 commits

19 Aug, 2009

3 commits

  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5096 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • …lled 'getCallbackMethod()' which provides advanced filtering of search result of the native resource.
    * Added initial prototype for 'SecondaryGroupParser' that is supposed to get the detailed list of groups out of logins command (special parsing is needed, because the list doesn't have a predefined length). TBD: think about propagation of group data, and the rest can be ignored, or just parsed from simple 'logins -oxa' command instead of the special 'logins -oxma', which has variable length of columns.
    * Fixed Create op. ('OpCreateImpl') -- now it checks if the created account exists and throws connector exception. (This will be needed to pass the CAOT contract too). Made it more robust towards error messages. TBD: go through the adapter code and look for tiny differences, so every corner case is covered. :)
    * 'PatternBuilder' -- cleanup of unused methods.
    * 'SearchPerformer' is now more versatile, enables to define a specific handling/filtering of the output from the resource. This is handy for multivalue attributes (like SECONDARY_GROUP).
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5094 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5087 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

17 Aug, 2009

2 commits

14 Aug, 2009

1 commit

13 Aug, 2009

2 commits