25 Nov, 2009

1 commit

  • …CreateImpl' for dispatching NIS/Native command variations for Account/Group objectclasses.
    - introduced the pattern for naming operation implementation classes:
        [OpName][NIS, Native][User, Group]Command.java, for instance: DeleteNativeUserCommand.java
    - implemented delete for NIS groups ('DeleteNISGroupCommand')
    - refactor #1: Create and Delete NIS Group commands have some shared code, that was placed in to common ancestors of all NIS commands ('AbstractNISOp').
    - javadoc extension: SolarisConnection
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5504 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

24 Nov, 2009

12 commits

20 Nov, 2009

2 commits

18 Nov, 2009

1 commit

16 Nov, 2009

1 commit

  • - implement Group search
    - align Group and Account search (for both Native and NIS use cases)
    - implement and test GroupIterator
    add javadoc where needed + more unit tests (w.r.t. search for Group in OpSearchImpl --> We have to wait with this, until other group operations are ready too. (CRUD))
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5488 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

13 Nov, 2009

11 commits

12 Nov, 2009

1 commit

10 Nov, 2009

3 commits

09 Nov, 2009

3 commits

06 Nov, 2009

3 commits

05 Nov, 2009

1 commit

  • -- org.identityconnectors.contract.test.SearchApiOpTests.testCaseInsensitiveSearch()
     * config.groovy
    -- org.identityconnectors.contract.test.DeleteApiOpTests.testDeleteThrowUnknownUid()
     * OpDeleteImpl.java
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5466 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

04 Nov, 2009

1 commit