13 Nov, 2009

1 commit

  • Erasing this, as there's no sensible source to know this.
    GroupId, users are set based on presence of the respective 
    parameters in the attribute list. The created group's name is 
    handled in __NAME__ attribute.
    Results of Investigation on adapter's SaveAs behavior:
    * Fact: do not perform change of groupId if saveAs==true.
    This is quite strange in context of what SaveAs really does. 
    It's nothing else just creating a user with given user list, 
    that /happens/ to be identical with some existing group 
    on the resource.
    Presently we have no information about 'saveAs' state in 
    the connector. And I hardly doubt, there's any real reason 
    to make decision about skipping the groupId change 
    (given by form input from user) based on presence of 
    saveAs operation mode.
    Followup w/ Rafael...
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5479 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

12 Nov, 2009

1 commit

10 Nov, 2009

3 commits

09 Nov, 2009

3 commits

06 Nov, 2009

2 commits

05 Nov, 2009

1 commit

  • -- org.identityconnectors.contract.test.SearchApiOpTests.testCaseInsensitiveSearch()
     * config.groovy
    -- org.identityconnectors.contract.test.DeleteApiOpTests.testDeleteThrowUnknownUid()
     * OpDeleteImpl.java
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5466 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

04 Nov, 2009

6 commits

03 Nov, 2009

5 commits

30 Oct, 2009

2 commits

29 Oct, 2009

6 commits

27 Oct, 2009

3 commits

20 Oct, 2009

6 commits

19 Oct, 2009

1 commit