19 Oct, 2009

2 commits

16 Oct, 2009

2 commits

15 Oct, 2009

5 commits

14 Oct, 2009

1 commit

13 Oct, 2009

13 commits

12 Oct, 2009

8 commits

09 Oct, 2009

3 commits

08 Oct, 2009

3 commits

  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5366 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • racfid=<UPCASED name>,profiletype=<downcased name>,<unaltered suffix>
    which should match IDM's format used in ResourceInfo objects
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5365 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • Only the format of the documentation has been changed from JavaDoc to Xml doc, their content might still contain invalid information. Wherever a 1:1 relationship existed between a Java class/interface/etc. and a .Net one, the references have been replaced, however, it is not the case for every reference, hence there might be still invalid refs. too (e.g. IllegalStateException can be resolved to more .Net exceptions).
    In addition, the files have been modified to adhere to a common formatting convention.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5361 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

07 Oct, 2009

1 commit

06 Oct, 2009

2 commits