23 Feb, 2010

1 commit

22 Feb, 2010

1 commit

19 Feb, 2010

2 commits

18 Feb, 2010

2 commits

17 Feb, 2010

5 commits

16 Feb, 2010

5 commits

15 Feb, 2010

1 commit

  • * Solaris NIS test configuration was failing in unit tests -- at search passage. It turned out that search didn't return the right list of users, and NIS search needs a re-worked way of listing account details (logins command doesn't work for NIS accounts, using 'ypmatch batman passwd' instead).
    How it was fixed:
    * AccountIterator was augmented with NIS search capabilities.
    Other refactoring included in this commit:
    * All implementations of Iterator<SolarisEntry> now allow two type of initializations:
    #1 given user list for iteration
    #2 if no user list given, they fetch it from the resource.
    Another crucial bugfix in LoginsCommand:
    accountLine.split(":", -1);
    This enables to return an empty attribute at the end of line, for instance "foo:bar:" will be parsed to ["foo", "bar", ""], thank to -1 parameter.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5678 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

12 Feb, 2010

3 commits

11 Feb, 2010

8 commits

10 Feb, 2010

1 commit

09 Feb, 2010

4 commits

05 Feb, 2010

2 commits

01 Feb, 2010

1 commit

29 Jan, 2010

1 commit

25 Jan, 2010

1 commit

22 Jan, 2010

2 commits