22 Apr, 2010

1 commit

01 Apr, 2010

3 commits

24 Mar, 2010

1 commit

22 Mar, 2010

7 commits

18 Mar, 2010

1 commit

17 Mar, 2010

6 commits

15 Mar, 2010

2 commits

  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5731 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • AccountIterator - adapter fetches both native and NIS users in the same way. Thi is because 'ypmatch username passwd' doesn't provide us the correct name of user's group, instead it returns gid.
    SolarisUtil - optimalized search.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5730 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

12 Mar, 2010

3 commits

11 Mar, 2010

8 commits

10 Mar, 2010

3 commits

  • ---------------
    LOG FOR previously commited REV 5711
    * added tests for password aging attributes
      M test/java/org/identityconnectors/solaris/test/SolarisTestBase.java
      M test/java/org/identityconnectors/solaris/operation/PasswdCommandTest.java
    --todo: some tests are @Ignore, we need better resource setup.
    * bugfix
      M main/java/org/identityconnectors/solaris/operation/PasswdCommand.java
    * Refactored to use CommandSwitches util class
      M main/java/org/identityconnectors/solaris/operation/CreateNativeUser.java
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5712 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • LOCK is now hanlded correctly as boolean.
    Altered Schema to match the real nature of attribute (Multivalue, type, required flag for create).
    CommandSwitches thank to NativeAttribute#isSingleValue() can actively check that one doesn't send a multivalue items to a singlevalue attribute.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5711 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c
  • git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@5709 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

09 Mar, 2010

1 commit

02 Mar, 2010

2 commits

01 Mar, 2010

2 commits