12 Oct, 2011

2 commits

29 Sep, 2011

1 commit

06 Sep, 2011

1 commit

05 Sep, 2011

1 commit

  • …the LocalConnectorInfoManager and benefit from the OSGi container. The initial commit has a bundle event listener to capture the connector bundle lifecycle events. 
     1. Use custom ManifestFilter to find only the compatible connectors.
     2. Fix the Bundle parser and the ConnectorFacade implementation.
     3. Review the ConnectorManager interface	
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openicf/trunk@6142 05b3e5af-d696-470f-a577-fd7599f74d3c

16 Aug, 2011

3 commits

04 Aug, 2011

3 commits

16 Jun, 2011

1 commit

31 May, 2011

1 commit

23 May, 2011

4 commits

19 May, 2011

2 commits

13 May, 2011

1 commit

10 May, 2011

1 commit