19 Sep, 2014

1 commit

  • CUI-27: Updating third party libraries in forgerock-ui
    Upgrading openidm-ui to use forgerock-ui 1.1
    Upgraded forgeorck-ui will resolve these:
    OPENIDM-2119 (A user with " or > in the username becomes unavailable to the admin)
    OPENIDM-2231 (logout button does not send automatically and immediately user back to login page) 
    Pulling in codemirror 4.5 for openidm-ui-admin
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@3920 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

18 Sep, 2014

9 commits

17 Sep, 2014

5 commits

16 Sep, 2014

4 commits

15 Sep, 2014

8 commits

12 Sep, 2014

7 commits

11 Sep, 2014

3 commits

10 Sep, 2014

3 commits