09 Dec, 2011

4 commits

08 Dec, 2011

1 commit

07 Dec, 2011

3 commits

06 Dec, 2011

8 commits

05 Dec, 2011

9 commits

02 Dec, 2011

8 commits

01 Dec, 2011

3 commits

  • …ay to still provide basic routing capaiblity and allowing for dynamic re-configuration. Does not by itself prevent instantiation as managed object factory, which is still a remaining issue.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@553 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3
  • …onfig which cause deadlock in OpenIDM.
    ObjectSetRouterService activation method should be fixed to tolerate invalid configuration!!
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@552 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3
  • The idea is that when you break long lines in <screen> at a space character, the reader can double-click to collapse folded lines to a single line for easy copying into a terminal window, and then double-click again to refold the lines for easy reading. Line continuations with \ would allow folded lines to be used directly, at least on *n*x, and also be syntactically correct. Yet, its harder to edit a command that used \ to continue lines.
    The JavaScript expects line continuations where continued lines start with a space. Lines without initial spaces do not get collapsed. For example:
    <screen>$ curl
     --user admin:admin
     -X PUT
     -d '{
    Shows up as:
    $ curl
     --user admin:admin
     -X PUT
     -d '{
    And then when you double-click:
    $ curl --user admin:admin -X PUT -d '{ "name":"joe", "firstname":"joe", "lastname":"smith", "email":"joe@abc.com", "userPassword":"11111111"}' http://localhost:8080/openidm/managed/user/joe
    And vice versa.
    There's no doubt cleanup to do in the core doc sources to take advantage of this.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@551 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

30 Nov, 2011

4 commits