14 Nov, 2014

3 commits

13 Nov, 2014

3 commits

12 Nov, 2014

3 commits

11 Nov, 2014

2 commits

10 Nov, 2014

1 commit

07 Nov, 2014

4 commits

06 Nov, 2014

2 commits

  • CR-5154
    A CueryFilter converter utility.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@4249 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3
  • Modules in mapping that make changes to the sync need to update the BrowserStorageDelegate
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@4248 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

05 Nov, 2014

4 commits

04 Nov, 2014

2 commits

31 Oct, 2014

2 commits

30 Oct, 2014

5 commits

29 Oct, 2014

1 commit

  • OPENIDM-2432 Mapping properties table - unable to remove source property 
    OPENDIM-2440 Paging of analysis data grid wrong when filtering by selections 
    OPENIDM-2441 Searching for the sample record should show all representative properties 
    OPENIDM-2442 Source column of data analysis grid should use translation logic to render source objects
    Reviewed at CR-5042
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@4169 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

28 Oct, 2014

3 commits

24 Oct, 2014

2 commits

23 Oct, 2014

1 commit

  • OPENIDM-2310
    Authentication configuration page refactor.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@4113 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

22 Oct, 2014

2 commits