20 Nov, 2012

1 commit

19 Nov, 2012

5 commits

15 Nov, 2012

1 commit

  • http://sources.forgerock.org/cru/CR-891
    This also includes global rename of _query-id to _queryId and _query-expression to _queryExpression.
    Note for documenters: there are several changes expected to be made soon; review the code review (linked above) and note Andi's comments
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@1531 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

14 Nov, 2012

2 commits

13 Nov, 2012

3 commits

12 Nov, 2012

3 commits

11 Nov, 2012

1 commit

09 Nov, 2012

2 commits

08 Nov, 2012

3 commits

05 Nov, 2012

6 commits

03 Nov, 2012

1 commit

02 Nov, 2012

5 commits

01 Nov, 2012

2 commits

  • Large refactor of the service to separate the context, job
    execution, and job metrics from the service's interface and covers the
    following enhancements:
        * [OPENIDM-791] - Configurable execution policy - serial or parallel
        * [OPENIDM-792] - Progress, state, history info and
            async/sync execution flag ("waitForCompletion")
        * [OPENIDM-793] - Support canceling taskscanner run
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@1396 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3
  • …tations of info/ping and info/login, and a sample of how to customize
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@1394 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

31 Oct, 2012

1 commit

30 Oct, 2012

1 commit

  • Fixes OPENIDM-817 - Update the default sample doc to match the new default sample (0)
    Fixes OPENIDM-760 (Commands in installation guide use invalid field userPassword and cause inconsistent behavior between REST and UI).
    Updates the sample data file (openidm/samples/sample0/data/xmlConnectorData.xml) to have user-friendly uids, which makes the example easier to document.
    Fixes a few style/grammar issues in the documentation.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@1382 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

29 Oct, 2012

2 commits

26 Oct, 2012

1 commit

  • Added "scope" field to managed.json properties. Supports "public" and
    "private". If none is set, property is assumed to be "public" and thus
    not filtered out.
    Also updated the defaults in managed.json and router.json and removed
    the ui-workaround to sensitive attributes.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@1361 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3