04 Sep, 2014

1 commit

16 Jul, 2014

1 commit

09 Jun, 2014

1 commit

  • Allow roles property to be an empty list, but mandate that the property must be set (and be a list).
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@3345 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

04 Jun, 2014

1 commit

  • Perform the empty role check as part of security context validation 
    and throw ForbiddenException from there if the user has no roles.
    This allows the auth modules to focus on successful authentication, 
    and lets an optional global context augmentation script fill out
    the roles if configured to do so.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@3320 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

20 May, 2014

1 commit

  • Cleanup unused code in IDMSecurityContextFactory; make sure exception thrown
    during augmentation script are thrown to caller.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@3223 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

12 May, 2014

1 commit

28 Apr, 2014

1 commit

19 Mar, 2014

1 commit

  • Fix regression in IDME-140 that validated non-empty roles in SecurityContext:
    instead, validate presence of field, but let be empty for auth to evaluate.
    git-svn-id: https://svn.forgerock.org/openidm/trunk@2994 d98387aa-ee2c-4292-a9e6-504d2a719fd3

18 Mar, 2014

2 commits

17 Mar, 2014

2 commits