The sample is the same as sample 2b except that it focuses on one special attribute, ldapGroups, which is used to synchronized ldap group memberships of users
The sample configuration connects to a local OpenDJ with the following paramers:
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 1389,
"principal" : "cn=Directory Manager",
"credentials" : "password",
In opposite to sample2, this sample sync.json configuration contains two mappings from OpenDJ to OpenIDM and back.
The number of attributes mapped are still rather limited.
It contains a scheduler configuration which can be used to schedule reconciliation.
New users will be created from LDAP or existing will be updated and back-linked from OpenIDM to OpenDJ
Changes on OpenIDM will now be pushed into the LDAP server!
In addition to sample 2b it will sync ldap group membership:
Add a user to an ldap group and run sync: a new attribute will be filled in the user's json representation in the repo, ldapGroups, which contains a list of the groups dns where the user is a memberOf.
For a more precise description on how to run the sample see: