10 Oct, 2012

1 commit

28 Jul, 2012

2 commits

12 May, 2012

1 commit

03 Apr, 2012

1 commit

05 Mar, 2012

1 commit

04 Mar, 2012

1 commit

03 Mar, 2012

6 commits

02 Mar, 2012

1 commit

25 Feb, 2012

2 commits

20 Feb, 2012

2 commits

19 Feb, 2012

1 commit

18 Feb, 2012

8 commits

17 Feb, 2012

6 commits

16 Feb, 2012

6 commits

15 Feb, 2012

1 commit

  • When an smpp session is bound and there are messages waiting on the
    smsc side, it is legal for the smsc to send a DeliverSM PDU immediately
    after it sends a bind response. Because of the PduProcessorDegree,
    there is a race condition were both the BindResp and the DeliverSM can
    simultaniously be processed but the DeliverSM will be processed like
    the session is still in the open state instead of the bound state. This
    patch changes the size of the executorService pool to remove the race
    condition. It starts with size 1 in open state and when the session is
    bound, the pool will be enlarged to the PduProcessorDegree.
    Stefan Thorvardarson